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︎︎︎ Education
︎︎︎ University of Waterloo School of Architecture I.P.
︎︎︎ Vancouver Community College Fashion Design & Production Diploma
︎︎︎ University of Arts London Fashion & Sustainability Certificate

︎︎︎ Work
︎︎︎ GOTTAGONOW Self Employed
︎︎︎ Mikhael Kale Fashion Intern

︎More details available on CV by request

About Ariel

Ariel has just wrapped up his second year Architectrue studies at the University of Waterloo.

Between his first and second year at the school, he took two years off to complete three internships at three Toronto based design studios, ranging from merchandise design to runway design and production. He then completed a one year fashion design and production certificate program, learning relevant productions skills and 3D modeling cad softwares.

He returned to architecture to influence a multidisciplinary approach to fashion and to enrich his design education. He is looking for opportunities to continue to supplement his education with relevant work experience and industry skills. He has a lot to offer and would love to share his capabilities.